Richard Wilson was born under the parents of Mr. and Mrs. Willie Wilson. He graduated from Carver High School in 1970. Also, he played the Tuba in the Carver High School Marching Band. He played the Bass Guitar for the Dynamic Band.
I grew up in West Gadsden in area called Flatwood. This is where I began learning how to play guitar from a friend, Mr. Jesse Hoylt, when I was ten. I also like watching my cousin, Mr. James Anthony Carmichael play his piano at his house. That's when I became interested in the piano. When Mr. Carmichael left Gadsden to go to Los Angeles, CA., he gave me his old piano so I could practice. When I was sixteen, I was playing with several bands: Daybreakk, Bill Avery and Blackhawk, Back up for Hershey Taylor, Willie Hightower, and toured with BB King and Bobby Bland. I was able to meet with other famous musicians like Macio from the James Brown Band. He sat in with us. I performed in shows with Pigmeat Markham, Peggy Scott and JoJo Benson, Joe Simon, Archie Bell and the Drell, Jimmy Lynch, Gorgeous George, Runny Dyson, Little Anthony and the Imperials, Clarence Carter, etc.
In 1971, I joined the Navy. I played with a band in the service too. When I was done serving in the military, I got married to Mrs. Elizabeth. Later on, I picked up my Bass again and started playing Gospel music for Mt. Zion Full Gospel Church. I did this for 30 (thirty) years, under the leadership of Rev. Harold Kimble. I played with my son , Reginald Wilson. I have enjoyed every minute of it. God has truly blessed me and my family.
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Better known as "Reggie B" in my music circle. My parents call me Reggie. I was born in Gadsden, AL, June 12, 1979. At an early age, I developed a love for music. My father was a great musician and my mother, Elizabeth, was a wonderful, loving mother.
I started playing drums at an early age in middle school. I became a member of the General Forrest Marching band, snare line. Later, I was recommended to play with the General Forrest Middle School Jazz band.
I graduated to Emma Sansom High School where I joined the Emma Sansom High School band snare line. From there, we went on to win various awards and competitions. After I graduated, I attended Business College and graduated.
After college, I became fascinated with music production and rapping. I began teaching myself and learning various sources on how to make beats. In 2000, my cousin and I opened up our own studio where we later formed a Rap Group called T.U., which I was a producer/rapper of. We went on to create music and so shows around the southeast. My love for playing drums was always there, so I started playing drums for the church.